First off a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO MY WONDERFUL BROTHER AND HIS WIFE MARISSA!!! I'm an Aunt!!! Emerson Ruth Cunningham!! Welcome to our family!! :) She's ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for my letters!!! thank you to Simone, Shirlyn, and Marlene Brown!!!
Alright... I'm really sorry everyone, I just had a REALLY good long e-mail all typed out but it got deleted... and so... sorry I'll try to write a little really fast... but know there was a REALLY awesome e-mail.... :(
So this week we did service at Luba's house. It was interesting to see how some people live here. She doesn't have running water or an inside toilet. We helped a lady carry two buckets of water to her house from the small pond they use to get water. I don't know how she could ever do that by herself.
I got a call from Elder Beckwith on Tuesday night telling me that I was in charge of the musical number for Zone conference the next day.... Thank you for the short notice!! Luckily Elder Dana and I had already practiced a song for Olya's baptism so we played that. It's a violin, voice, and guitar arrangement of "I need thee every hour."
It was WAY fun! I tried to send it but didn't' know how to make it small enough to send...
Zone conference was AMAZING! We talked about unity in our companionships, finding happiness, working hard, and learning to work creatively. We want to make seeming "problems' become opportunities! Sister Nechiporova also told us that we needed to all make sure and have Smekta and Rigodron on hand for food poisoning. That night we ate at a members house and had a cold milk, egg, potatoes, and parsley soupish thing. Well, needless to say without going into to much detail I woke up with the feeling like someone had kicked me in the intestines. I woke sister Ivanova up after a trip to the Lou laughing and told her I needed some of that medicine! Well, the next morning the elders called with a question and then Elder White asked how my health was. I started laughing and told him that I had already had a chance to use the medicine!! haha Well... it turns out that every
companionship at zone conference had gotten sick!! It was Sister Nechiporov's food and she had apparently just been testing us to see if we listened to her counsel!! haha the AP's called and had decided that I should be the one to call Sister Nechiporov so that she would know it was her food! haha! Well.... needless to say I couldn't' stop laughing about it all day!
We met with two amazing new investigators this week who want to meet with us!! :) And the highlight of the week was Olya's baptism! I got to give a talk on Baptism and I got a thumbs up and smile from President Nechiporov when I sat down... so it must have been half way understandable!! :) I was also blessed to be there on the side to help Olya after she was baptized! I got a wonderful wet hug! I was SO happy to see her take the step of faith to be baptized! She is SO wonderful and this is just the beginnign! the Lord has so many blessings in store for her and now she is at the beginning and has SO much more to learn and do!! And we talked with her about the temple yesterday! That step of baptism was the first major step! And everything she does, including her baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost are pointing her to the temple where she can receive the greatest blessings of our Heavenly Father, and make sacred promises to Him, and learn about her relationship with Him!! And most importantly be sealed to her family for eternity!!! :) IT was SO wonderful!!!
Olya's baptism.
Elder Dana cleaning the font.
Olya again.
Roller blading with Nastia in the morning.
Nastia feeding a squirrel near the track.
And we went to teh zoo this morning!! :)
I was one of the exhibits too... of hamsters!
A better nose picture.
A new meaning to feasting on the words of christ!
Yes!! I am a missionary!!
And here we are again!
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